So simple and powerful.
Practicing qigong is so simple and so powerful. You cannot do it wrong.
You can only do it good, better, or best.
— Chunyi Lin
To see the calendar with current classes and to register, please scroll down.

What is Qigong?
Qigong is a mind-body practice that improves one's mental and physical health by integrating postures, movement, breathing techniques, and focused intention.
"Qi" (pronounced chee) means energy, breath, the force of life flowing through all things, while "Gong" (pronounced gung) means work or the practice of, which is understood as cultivation.
Qigong helps tone and strengthen your body.
It increases circulation and oxygen flow
Improves flexibility and balance
It helps boost immune function
Lowers inflammation
Reduces symptoms related to depression, anxiety and stress
Diminishes mood swings and fear
Increases self-esteem.
Upcoming Classes
Fall Sessions (On-going)
Sat Oct 12, 19, 26 & Nov 2, 9, 16
from 1:30 to 2:30PM
e-mail or call Karina to consult on hybrid
and/or online classes currently available.